Tabestoon Kootahe Zedbazi HD ZED

Zedbazi Band

Zedbazi is a Persian Rap group based in London, England, and Paris, France, currently consisting of members Mehrad Hidden, Saman Wilson and Sohrab MJ, Alireza JJ, Sijal, Nassim.

An over night success

ZedBazi was the first music group in Iran that used Explicit lyrics in their music. Graphic descriptions of sexual encounters, the consumption of narcotics and violence were not familiar topics to Iranian listeners. Therefore the group became the most talked about group among teenagers in Tehran that had only heard this type of expression from American Rappers. Another reason for ZedBazi’s fame was that back in 2002 when the Saman Wilson made a cover of Eminems without me, there were no well known rappers in Iran, and if there were, they did not used “bad language” in their songs.

Members ‘nd Styles

Saman Wilson: He is known as the father gangsta rap in Iran. He has a laid-back style of rapping, he often uses wordplay in his rap. He also alongside Sohrab MJ introduced Multi-syllable rhyming to Persian Music. His lyrics often contain strong language and shots at other rappers.

Mehrad Hidden: He is the main singer of the group. In addition to rapping, he usually sings the hooks in ZedBazi’s songs. He grew up singing rock songs, and still releases 2 or 3 songs each year as Mehrad Hidden. He also serves as one of the groups producers along side Alireza JJ. He plays the guitar, the drums, and the piano. His rapping style often gets overshadowed by His demanding voice; Mehrad Hidden’s voice is one of the most well known voices in Iranian Hip-Hop.

Alireza JJ: He is probably the most controversial member of ZedBazi. He often takes shots at other artists and sometimes even his own fans. His flow is often slower than the other members, but he makes up for it by having controversial and politically-charged lyrics:”chejoori rafte on lahjeye aalie Amricayi/ too oon kaleye Khalie Ariayi?”, “Ellate davamemoon/ Mellate Javademoon”. He also serves as a producer in the group alongside Mehrad Hidden.

Sohrab MJ: He is considered to be one of the best rhymers in Iranian Hip-Hop. He has the most dynamic style in the group, in terms of flow and rhymes. He often uses dark humor to convey his point. His rapping style has influenced a lot of rappers in Iran, such as Yas, Erfan, Hossein Tohi and Bahram. “Har vaght mano mibinan zood ba ye soot vaymistan/ engar man daavaram oonha footbalistan”.

Siavash Sijal: He is known for his fearless lyrics, out of the 5 rappers his style is the most descriptive. He often tells a story or sets the mood of the song by describing the situation. His rhyme “Hes mikonim sexy shodim” in (The summer is short, “Tabestoon Kootaheh”) and “Tehran shode dige New Yorkam” or “Laabat toppolo daaghan, emshab baram fogholadan” are some of Persian Raps most famous phrases. His signature is his raspy voice and sometimes melodic voice.

Nassim: R&B singer and vocalist.

Mahdyar Aghajani – Bang (Remix) (feat. Hichkas)

ببینید درخواست چرا بالاس. چرا کاسبا رو می‌کُشید؟ خلافکارای اصلی رو چیکار می‌کنید؟؛
مشکل رو از بیخ ببینیم چیه. دلایل اعتیاد خیلی خانمان‌سوزتز از خودشن. جای معتاد تو زندونه؟؛
راستی من چیزی نمی‌زنم اینا رو می‌نویسم… مهدیار هم می‌دونه… تو بگو بهشون… (بهشون)؛
حیف بود رو این نخونم

بنگ و حشیش، بنگ، بنگ و حشیش

؛[قسمت ۱]؛
تو جیبش و هوا عالی‌ بود
دود جاش خالی‌ بود
بابایی تند و تیز نبود ولی‌ کاری بود
هرچی‌ سگدو می‌زد فکر می‌کنی‌ کافی‌ بود؟؛
نه، به تهشم می‌رسید سخت عین رانی‌ بود
بار همه چی‌ رو دوشش، بیگاری بود
مشکل مالی‌ بود
به فکر کمبودای آتی بود
حقش فقط اون اول رسید بهش و
واسه همینم دیگه قاطی‌ بود
میدیدیش انگار تو دلش میگه قانونو ولش
دیگه فردا صاحب کارمو لهش می‌کنم و
سر چهار راه میدم قرش آآآآ
سیگارش شکست و بلاجبار بخیه‌ش زد بهتر از پزشکا
همچین چاقش کرد که انگار مخالف رژیمه
دم به… تله نمی‌داد
کاش جای پول وعده نمی‌داد هیشکی
از پنجره میلاد کل شهرو می‌خواست ببینه زیر پاش
از تجریش تا پایین، عاشق شهرشه با همه بدیش
می‌خواست بره بالا میزد…؛

بنگ و حشیش، بنگ، بنگ و حشیش

؛[قسمت ۲]؛
بده بده نکش
اینو بهش میگیم و اینکه بده وضع مملکتش…؛
به خاطره اونه
همه سر به سرش می‌ذاریم
با اینکه خودمون عادتهای بد داریم که دیگه هستش وقت ترکش
بیاین نکنیم سمت کسی‌ انگشت اشاره رو
فقط خدا عالمه، داریم یه داور و…؛
تفکرات لازمه، غرور اضافه رو…؛
بذاریم کنار و به خودمون این اجازه رو…؛
ندیم که قاضی باشیم
بگیم یکی‌ بده تا از خودمون راضی‌ باشیم
خودمون ناجی باشیم
حتی اگه ناشی‌ باشیم
حتی اگه می‌کنیم واسه‌ی ظهور صبر
ریا رو بذاریم کنار چونکه هست خلوص کم
زودباوری رو بذاریم کنار، همه دروغن خبرا
نمی‌بینیم چون همه تو رکوعن
واسه همینه روانپریش می‌زنه…؛

بنگ و حشیش، بنگ، بنگ و حشیش

؛[قسمت ۳]؛
بده بختت؟ نزن لگد به بختت
کاراته، نتیجه نمیده
عادات بد رو بذاریم کنار
که اشتباهت قبل باعث حالات بد میشن و…؛
احساسات کوچیک می‌شن آلات قتل
حسرت، حس پسرفت
اختلاف رنگ بشر
تو مشهد پی‌ کم کردن احتمال مرگ و…؛
چونکه نعشه‌ن بعضیا اینشکلی نشدیم
قدرت تام رو می‌خوایم، جری نخوریم
حرفام سرد نیستن
ولی‌ انگار از نپختگی تو این زمینه حاکی‌ا‌ن
پاکی هست؟؛
یادمون نرفته باشه؟ مادیات فانی‌ان
جهل و نادونی باقی‌‌ان
خوب می‌خونم و حرف حق میزنم، قاری‌ام؟ نه
دبّه می‌کنیم، شورش در میاد
وعده بیخودی می‌دیم، بوش که در میاد
این آهنگو درست بکنی‌ معنیش
می‌فهمی که نمیگم خوبه…؛

بنگ و حشیش، بنگ، بنگ و حشیش

Music by Mahdyar Aghajani
Words by Hichkas


This track contains vocal samples of the Iranian actor “Atila Pesyani”.

Mahdyar Aghajani
Twitter: @MahdyarAghajani

Twitter: @HichkasOfficial

Animals Jumping on Trampolines

A compilation of dogs, baby goats and other animals having fun on trampolines. Links to the full videos can be found below.

Watch more funny videos:

Edited by Bryan Menegus:

Full videos:
Mudd the Bulldog
Bonzo the Boxer
Chago the Boxer
Boston Terrier
Oscar the Shibu Inu
Oreo the Great Dane
Orange Cat
Peaches the Pig
Crazy Goats
Goat and Little Girl
Two Baby Goats
Gizmo the Baby Goat
Cats and Dog

‘Jump Around’ by House of Pain

‘The Gardener’ – an Iranian film in Israel – cinema

Exilied Iranian director Mohsen Makhmalbaf’s latest film ‘The Gardener’ is an entertaining…

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Exilied Iranian director Mohsen Makhmalbaf’s latest film ‘The Gardener’ is an entertaining documentary about a man from Papua New Guinea who tends the Baha’i Gardens in Haifa, Israel. It follows Moshan and his son travelling to Israel, visiting the Baha’i World Centre and exploring the role of religion in today’s world.

Makhmalbaf explained: “In the Middle East, the young generation think that religion destroyed the Middle East. And I try to put from the angle of my age, my generation, why some of them believe in a religion. I try to put light on one of the religions that is a more peaceful religion.”

The film was shot mostly in Haifa and Jerusalem’s Old City. It looks at religion from the perspective of the old and new generations, represented by the film-maker and his son, who often squabble over the role of religion.

An Iranian director making a film in Israel is most unusual. Iranians are not allowed to travel to Israel. Makhmalbaf faces five years in prison should he ever return to Iran.

Makhmalbaf is critical of his country’s rulers: “We believe that after 33 years of the bad regime that we’ve had, we are really for democracy. The problem of Iran is America, European countries are not ready for our democracy. They are thinking only about control atomic bomb. But we think if we could have democratic government, they don’t make atomic bomb.”

Makhmalbaf was honoured as a special guest at the recent Jerusalem Film Festival where some of his most emblematic films including ‘Kandahar’ and ‘Salaam Cinema’ have been showcased. ‘The Gardener’ was warmly received by the audience.

One moviegoer said: “It’s one of the more exquisite films that I have seen in a long time and I think it reflects the spirit of the film-maker, which is peacemaking in every way but also expands your ideas about religion.”

Another audience member commented: “The film itself is wonderful, very poetic, very observing but I think the meaning of him being here is far beyond just the screening of this specific film. I think that he is an incredibly brave person.’

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