
It’s not crazy-it’s sports

Head on over to http://youtu.be/lfqcB2LWdZY to see my “Evolution of the Touchdown Dance” to celebrate the return of football!
16 sec.

Judson Laipply-Speaking Sample and The Struggle Bus opening

A small sample of my speaking and the explanation of “The Struggle Bus”. Check out more or order a DVD at www.mightwaswelldance.com
537 sec.

News from Judson and EOD3?

Just a word of thanks from Judson Laipply and some info on the new website. Also a quick report on a “Evolution of Dance 3”
185 sec.

EOD2 Info

Here is the lowdown on EOD2! You can check it out at http://www.eod2.com or over at http://www.youtube.com/peoplejam
Sorry I could not put it on this channel but there were legal issues at work.
74 sec.

Evolution of Dance – By Judson Laipply

For more visit http://www.mightaswelldance.com
360 sec.