
Unpacking the Russian Elections

Aleksandr Buzgalin: Putin promised social democratic reforms but will more likely continue neoliberal policies
733 sec.

Saudis and US Waging a Proxy War in Syria

Hamid Dabashi: Syrian people caught in a proxy war as they fight a brutal dictatorship
593 sec.

Obama Meets Netanyahu

Phyllis Bennis: Obama distances US from Netanyahu’s rhetoric and prepares for 2012 elections
982 sec.

TRNN Live Phone-Event

Join our live, interactive discussion about The Real News and what is in the news with Senior Editor Paul Jay.

Wednesday, March 7th at 8 p.m. Eastern, join us and be a part of the conversation.

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77 sec.

Occupy AIPAC Opposes War and Sanctions Against Iran

130 organizations call for diplomacy with Iran and a US Middle East policy not based on unequivocal support for Israel
514 sec.

Obama at AIPAC

Jim Lobe: There are serious strategic differences between US and Israel, but they share the aim of weakening Iran as a regional power
1021 sec.

Putin Wins, Will Mass Protests Follow?

Boris Kagarlitsky: Putin faced no serious opposition candidates, but people are fed up with neo-liberal system
1048 sec.

Is Obama Still on the Austerity Train?

James Crotty: Obama’s budget is a “less savage” attack on social programs, but still assumes we are “living above our means”
707 sec.

Senate bill aims to prevent indefinite detention of US citizens

FSRN: Senate responds to controversial National Defense Authorization Act which President Obama signed into law late last year
332 sec.

Has Obama Challenged the “War On Drugs” Asumptions?

Pt1 of a debate on “What would a saner drug policy look like?” between Sean Dunagan, former DEA Analyst and Kevin Sabet, former Obama Admin. Adviser

See the full debate at
749 sec.

Does Decriminalization Lead to More Drugs and Crime?

Pt2 of a debate on “What would a saner drug policy look like?” between Sean Dunagan, former DEA Analyst and Kevin Sabet, former Obama Admin. Adviser

See the full debate at
868 sec.

Does the “War on Drugs” Limit Supply?

Pt3 of a debate on “What would a saner drug policy look like?” between Sean Dunagan, former DEA Analyst and Kevin Sabet, former Obama Admin. Adviser

See the full debate at
967 sec.

Are Jails Another Form of Slavery?

Pt4 of a debate on “What would a saner drug policy look like?”, Megan Sherman, who grew up in Baltimore, joins the debate between Sean Dunagan, former DEA Analyst and Kevin Sabet, former Obama Admin. Adviser

See the full debate at
818 sec.

Pakistan Majority Want US Out of the Region Says Blogger

Sana Saleem: People are fed up with drone attacks and blame US policy for Afghan war
962 sec.

The Eurozone Crisis and the USA

Costas Lapavitsas: European and US elites are asserting naked class interest, but in Europe now there’s a more extreme neo-liberalism
957 sec.

United States vs. Manning & Assange

Michael Ratner: Army is trying to pressure Manning into implicating Julian Assange so that he too can be charged and extradited to US
1075 sec.

Israel’s “New West Bank”

New plan reveals gov’t relocating Bedouins in Negev Desert to create
Jewish contiguity south of the West Bank.

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656 sec.

The Syrian Opposition and the External Players

Bassam Haddad: The Syrian revolution must guard against interference by external powers and the Syrian National Council

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1099 sec.

Despite public outcry, Chicago approves closure of 17 schools

Students, parents and teachers outraged over school privatizations

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377 sec.

Why Are GOP Candidates Competing to be the Greatest Friend of Israel?

As presidential candidates tout support for Israel, they may be reaching out to right-wing evangelicals more than Jewish voters
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447 sec.

A Planned Economy for the 1%

Michael Hudson: All economies have a certain amount of planning, the question is, for whom?

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651 sec.

Egyptians combat state media propaganda

The dissemination of mass media from state broadcasting to the general population, including in areas where there is no internet or alternative news, has had a profound impact on misinforming Egyptians.  Activists say since before and after the revolution, the regime’s propaganda has played a key role in demonizing tahrir revolutionaries and inciting violence against them. State media anchors and journalists label protesters as domestic enemies, slandering them as thugs, prostitutes, drug dealers and criminals. The regime’s propaganda machine has only provoked activists to step up grassroots campaigns targeting the notorious state media building, better known as the Maspero.

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651 sec.

Greeks Look to the Left for Solutions

Costas Lapavitsas: The left is gaining in popular support but have so far failed to present a coherent program
494 sec.

“1,000 New York Vendors Against $1,000 Fines”

Street vendors say 1k fines are impossible to pay and are driving them out of business.

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398 sec.

Hundreds Killed in Honduras Jail Fire Shows Post-Coup Impunity

Guards fired at prisoners trying to escape, part of a militarization of security that does not hold police, soldiers or generals accountable for crimes and human rights violations
575 sec.